Trip Preparation

Plan Accordingly

Plan Your Trip
Here's a list to help


  • Plan to dress for the weather that day. Flip flops are ok, but we recommend closed-toe shoes / boots.

  • If it is going to rain, we will still go out on our scheduled date so bring clothing or gear to withstand some wet weather. In the ealry mornings it can be a little cooler out on the water so a long-sleeve or sweatshirt is alwasy a good idea. Especially for trips in May, June, Septemeber & October. Step outside before heading to the pickup location and subtract 15 -20 degrees for when the center console style boats are underway.

  • We can't stress SUNGLASSES enough. Probably the single most important item to come aboard with. When it is bright and sunny, the chances of actually seeing clearly, with that bright sun reflecting up at you off the water, is depleted and becomes frustrating for extended periods of time. We keep a couple of pairs on board for backup just in case, but do not rely on us to provide these. If you do not have sunglasses your next best option is a hat! Which we could provide a new 1620 Anglers branded hat for purchase if you need and did not bring :)

  • A good idea on trips during the hot summer days of June, July & August is to wear a BATHING SUIT so that you may stay cool and get a good tan while on your trip. If you need to change into yours, there are areas on board in the cabin or the console to escape from the group for privacy. If there is time or the group wants to jump in the water, the captain will take you to an area that is safe to do so.


  • If you are susceptible to getting burned by the rays of the summer sun, we strongly encorouge you to bring along some SUNSCREEN for your group to share. There is nothing worse than having a horrible sunburn to be a memory of your trip with us to cloud the memory of your personal-best striped bass! We usually have some aboard, but do not rely on that soley.

  • It is a great idea to have a COOLER with your favorite drinks to bring with you. Our boats have waters and usually sodas on board in the boats' built-in coolers. If you decide you want to bring along a lunch, snacks or beer / hard seltzers (in moderation) we limit groups to one, medium-sized cooler as this will take up additional space on deck.

  • We will provide all FISHING GEAR including all tackle, lures, rods, reels and bait. You do not need a fishing license while on board our boats as our license covers up to 6 anglers during the entirity of the charter. If you have a gear that you would rather bring we are happy to have you do just that! We understand how your rod & reel may be most comfortable or you have a lucky lure that has landed you many fish from shore or when you get out on friend's boats. Please just communicate that with your captain for your reserved trip so they don't bring too much extra gear with.

3. CATCH, FILET & Take home

  • Our captains or mates will filet and bag your legal catch for you to take home in your cooler you brought aboard or left in your vehicle. If there is ice still available on board we will ice down your bagged filets or you can purchase at one of the docks.

  • Striped Bass - 1 fish per angler with a slot limit of 28" and up to just under 31" as soon as the fish touches 31" on the mesuring tool, we have to revive and release it. The smaller fish do taste better however, we encourage you to try out a couple of our Golden recipes. Please keep in mind that we filet the stripers and leave the skin on so that our guests can grill them and scoop the meat right off the skin (only way to cook a striped bass!) Striped Bass is currently going for 25$ per pound at the market! Having said that, if you get your limit of slot striped bass, you will be going home with close to $450 to $750 worth of striper meat (depending on your total party size and how many fish kept 3-4 pound filets). Please see Gratuity below if you anticipate this much fish filet, bagged and iced.

  • Black Sea Bass - season begins May 20th 2023 with recent changes of 4 fish per angler and recent change of 16.5" and up. These are incredible tasting fish for tacos, ceviche, fired, baked or grilled!

  • Bluefish - You are allowed to keep up to 5 bluefish at any size per angler on a for-hire trip. We limit fileting that many 1 per angler. If you would like to keep more, we will bleed them out and send you home with the whole fish. These are incredible fish to smoke or brine with citrus and put directly on grill skin down.

  • Tautog - April 1st - May 31st you may keep 3 per angler 16” to 21” One fish may be greater than 21”. June 1st - July 31st it goes down to 1 fish per angler at 16'". Aug 1st - Oct 14th it goes back to 3 per angler 16” to 21” One fish may be greater than 21” and Oct 15th - Dec 31st it goes up to 5 per angler 16” to 21” One fish may be greater than 21”. They are another incredible tasting white fish for tacos, fish and chips or grilling.

  • Bluefin Tuna - Effective January 1, 2023, the bluefin tuna (BFT) daily retention limit is the default limit of 1 school, large school, or small medium BFT (27 to less than 73"). This default limit applies to both HMS Angling category permitted vessels and HMS Charter/Headboat category-permitted vessels. Chart / Heaboat vessels may also land 1 bluefin tuna measuring 73" or greater per vessel per year in all Trophy areas. This is always changing and will update before the season ramps up in June / July 2023.


  • We have ZERO TOLERANCE for any drug use while aboard. Marijuana is not legal at the federal level, nor is any narcotic without a prescription, so please do not bring any aboard as we will have to turn the boat around immediately without refund.

  • We permit our guests to bring canned BEER & HARD SELTZERS ONLY. We will not allow for any drunken beligerance from any guests. If we feel you are putting yourself, guests or crew in any risk of danger or injury, we will return to the dock immediately without refund. We are here to help you enjoy yourselves, but fishing is the name of the game here...not partying.

  • We have had many charter guests enjoy themselves responsibly, please do the same!

5. Pictures & Video

  • During your charter the captain will be taking photos and video to share with guests, our social media and website. Guest authorization is granted once they step aboard our vessel.

6. Gratuity

  • Gratuity is customary much like it is for wait staff at a restaraunt. Our captains will be your mate (unless they have a one on board for your trip). Please keep in mind that they will be working hard to bait your hooks, take off your fish and filet and bag them for you, as well as ensure all guests are safe and enjoying themselves. Please come prepared to tip based off of your overall experience unless it has been arranged to be inlcuded in the overall trip expense with Capt. Rick during the reservation process.

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